How to play Chess Step By Step For Beginners


In this article, you'll get to know about the very details of how to play chess step by step for beginners. Chess is a board game which involves sheer intelligence to win the game. It is a game that transcends time, captivating minds with its strategic intricacies and timeless appeal. Whether you're a complete zero here or have mastered in this tricky game, this guide is designed to help you elevate your chess skills and play like a pro. In this comprehensive tutorial, we'll explore fundamental chess principles, essential strategies, and tips that will set you on the path to becoming a formidable chess player.

    How to play chess like a pro


    Understanding the Basics

    Before delving into advanced strategies, it's crucial to grasp the fundamentals of chess. The game is played by two people, one getting the black side while the other plays with the white side. The chess board consists of 64 squares, with each player commanding an army of 16 pieces—pawns, knights, bishops, rooks, a queen, and a king. Knowing the unique movement patterns of each piece is the cornerstone of chess mastery. The king, for example, moves one square in any direction, while the knight has a distinctive L-shaped jump.

    The Moves


    • These are eight in numbers and makes up the forward line protecting the main pieces like the queen and the king. It can move two steps forward in its first chance.
    •  But afterwards, it could only move a block forward. It is prohibited to go back. 
    • The piece can only move diagonal to eliminate an opposition piece.

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    • These pieces are placed next to the king and the queen.
    • Each players gets two bishops one in the back square and other in the white.
    • They can move diagonally to any number of squares in the board.
    • They always stay on the same colour square throughout the game.
    • Bishops are usually developed early in the game to control the centre and to support pawn structures (which we will discuss later).
    • They however cannot jump over pieces and could only capture or eliminate them.
    chess game


    • They typically look like horses. 
    • These pieces move in a L shaped pattern. For example: - they can move two squares in the same direction (vertically or horizontally) and then make a ninety degree turn, moving one block forward to its opposite direction it took in its first movement.
    • This move allows the knight to jump over pieces, helping in making powerful strategies.
    • Moreover, they do not stay in a specific colour like the bishop, which means that it could easily jump from one colour to the another. Also, they are very effective in controlling the centre board in the game.
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    •  These pieces are positioned in the last corner of the chess board. They are represented by a castle like piece.
    • The rook can move straight in any direction, whether it be horizontal or vertical and can move up to any spaces but cannot jump over a piece like the knight. 
    • Furthermore, it cannot move diagonally and are considered as one of the main pieces in the game. 
    • It also plays a very very crucial role in the castling move with the king (which includes specific conditions to be meant to happen).
    chess for beginners


    •  The queen is a very important piece and is also considered to be the most powerful piece in the chess game.
    • It has got the combined ability to move like a rook and a bishop. It means that it can move diagonally, straight, horizontally or vertically. 
    • However, it cannot jump above pieces unlike the knight.
    • The queen’s position plays a very significant role in the continuation of the game.
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    • The king is the MOST IMPORTANT piece in our game. 
    • If this piece gets captured by the opponent, the game ends. 
    • Hence, the main objective in this game is not only to protect the king but also to eliminate the opponent’s king.
    • It is like a pawn as it can only move one step at a time. But it can move in any direction: horizontal, vertical or diagonal.
    • It’s the most crucial piece. If the king gets checkmated, that player loses the game then and there itself.
    How to play Chess like a expert

    We would cover more of the openings and strategies in our upcoming blogs!

    Mastering Openings

    Chess openings are the initial moves that set the stage for the entire game. While there are countless opening strategies, beginners should focus on a few solid ones. The “London opening” and the “queens and/or kings’ gambit” are excellent starting points. Understand the purpose behind each move, emphasizing control of the centre, piece development, and king safety.
    A detailed blog is coming soon!  

    Strategic Positioning

    Effective piece placement is a hallmark of skilled chess players. Control of the centre is very crucial, as it provides greater mobility for your pieces. The main aim is to control the board's key squares, limiting your opponent's options. Develop your pieces harmoniously, connecting rooks and creating a solid pawn structure. Avoid unnecessary pawn moves in the opening, as they can weaken your position.

    How to play Chess like a Pro for Beginners

    Tactical Awareness

    Chess is a game of tactics, and recognizing tactical opportunities is essential for success. Learn common tactical motifs, such as forks, pins, and discovered attacks. Regularly solving tactical puzzles will sharpen your tactical vision and improve your ability to spot winning combinations during a game.
    The series of strategies is in progress and would be posted very soon!  

    Endgame Mastery

    The endgame is where several games are lost or won by the players. As a beginner, focusing on basic checkmating patterns, such as the king and queen versus king checkmate would help one to definitely up his/ her level. Understanding pawn endgames is also crucial. Learn to convert an advantage into a win by promoting a pawn to a queen or another powerful piece.
    We would be posting endgames tactics in our website in a few days ..... Stay updated!!

    Continuous Learning

    Chess is an ever-evolving game, and even grandmasters continue to learn and adapt. Stay updated on the latest games and strategies. Analyse your own games, whether through self-reflection or with the help of chess engines. Join a local chess club or play online to gain valuable experience against different opponents.


    Becoming a proficient chess player takes time, dedication, and a love for the game. By mastering the basics, understanding openings, focusing on strategic positioning, honing tactical awareness, and learning endgame principles, you'll be well on your way to playing chess like a pro. Remember, each game is an opportunity to learn and improve, so embrace the journey and enjoy the intellectual challenges that chess offers. Checkmate awaits!

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